Friday 10 December 2010

group work

some of the models that were created were given to the group members to save wasting time in creating the same thing was.

the people- which were created by paul and given to me to put the biped in to then use for my animation and then given to gemma to use.

the grass- which was created by me but i couldn't use it in my scene as it was to small for the area that i needed so i gave it to paul.

postcard stand- paul created the postcard stand to give to me to put into the walton scene.

postcards- they were created by me in photoshop from the renders of the scenes

the hand- the hand and the uvw un wrapping was created by me and given to paul to create the picking up the postcard scene

spade- the spade that paul created to go into the final scene that i created and animated.


well all ensured that we rendered out to the same size so it was easier to assemble in premier pro

kept in contact with the group with the group blog finding out where each other were at and helping each other if needed.

and having group meetings and coming up with new ideas.

what went well.

i feel that our models and animation went rather well, they were of a good quality. all the techniques that we learnt in our 2 years of using 3ds max was put to good use. i also feel that having meeting with Elli finding out what she wanted was a good interaction with the client. over all out animation is good and we have choose a good song to jazz up our animation.

finding out how to do net work rendering went really well cutting down the rendering time by loads

also using the hair and fur tool to creat grass went well,

what could of been improved.

the things that i feel that we could of improved on, is knowing how long it would take to render each scene. i also had a problem in the waves that i created and had to get rid off as it was going to take 1064 hours to render and didn't have the time. we also had a problem with premier pro as it didn't like some of the clips that we rendered and had to re render again. i feel that most of our time was wasted rendering. we found out that if you lower the quality of the clip it would take less time but we didn't want to have a low quality animation. the way that we found out about getting around the rendering was to do a network render setting loads of computers to render 1 frame of one scene saving it as a bmp and then putting it together in adobe premier. i also feel that if one of our group members turned up on certain days and helped more towards the animation it would of been alot better and took some of the strain of the other members
of the group.

another problem was that adobe premier was only on the mac so we had to keep switching computers. and having premier pro crashing on us losing some work and having to start again.

Thursday 9 December 2010



i created a plain and coloured it green. i then created a small tringle from a spline. i then coloured it a darker green than the plain.

i then used the bend modifer to bend the tringle spline.

and then i used the scatter modifer to creat more of them at different angles.

i created some grass that i was going to use for my scenes but i couldn't use it in the end as the file was too big. so i gave it to Paul to use a small bit off it in one of his scenes

final scene

for the final scene we wanted to add the website address, i thought of an idea that we could have all the poscards of our renders dropping on the sand and the last postcard will be the website adress.


i created this hand from a box

final hand

image of pauls hand

image of pauls hand

uvw up wrap of the hand

finished hand with added sleeve (as the man in the clip had a sleeve)

adding the bones into the hand.